Keystone Health Plan East

Discover Keystone Health Plan East drug rehab services at Promont Wellness, a Pennsylvania addiction treatment center.

Keystone Health Plan East Drug Rehab

Addiction is a widespread public health concern that’s often treated as a personal flaw rather than a legitimate condition that deserves attention. While we may be able to choose to engage in substance use behaviors, addiction can quickly take the wheel, making it harder and harder to stop using drugs and alcohol on your own, even if you try your hardest. If that sounds familiar to you, know that it’s not your fault. You are not alone. Help is available, and it can make a real difference. For those who have a Keystone Health Plan East insurance policy, help can be found here at Promont Wellness. Our diverse treatment options and evidence-based approach to care help us offer the best Keystone Health Plan East drug rehab services around. We know that asking for help can be hard, but we encourage you to take the first step – we’ll be here to help you as you do. Call us at 866-939-4243 to learn more.

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Private Insurance & Addiction Treatment: What to Know

For many people, addiction treatment is essential – but it can also be expensive. That’s because recovery is not something that can be achieved overnight; it may take weeks, months, or even years for a person to reach a point of stability. This is not to say that treatment needs to last forever, but it is true that rehab is a long-term commitment. Plus, higher levels of care that require clients to live at a treatment facility naturally require more resources and financial support. That’s where private insurance can be key: it helps make the cost of care manageable. It also ensures that a person has plenty of options to choose from and can find the facility that best suits their needs.

Using private insurance to help cover addiction treatment can also save you time. If you have a private insurance plan, you likely won’t have to join a waitlist to access public services – instead, you can select a program and quickly get started, which can be important when it comes to recovering from substance dependence. Additionally, a strong plan may even cover services that you need after your primary rehab program ends, like aftercare services and ongoing therapy. More options, more privacy, and faster turnaround times are just a few of the benefits a private insurance plan can offer.

Why Promont Wellness for Keystone Health Plan East Drug Rehab?

Promont Wellness is dedicated to serving as a leading option for Keystone Health Plan East drug rehab services. Our comprehensive treatment programs, compassionate staff, and experienced team of professionals help us deliver the best quality care to our clients. We believe in utilizing tried-and-true therapies and activities to help clients heal from addiction and find new, healthier ways to manage their needs. Options like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) allow us to create meaningful change in each client’s life. From identifying unhealthy behaviors or thought patterns to forming new skills and processing trauma, every journey we embark on with our clients aims to empower them to take charge of their lives. We also strive to make our services accessible because we believe that recovery is for everyone. 

Compassionate Care Tailored to Your Needs

At Promont Wellness, your experience is our priority. You’re never just a number to us – you’re a whole person who deserves respect, compassion, and autonomy. When you choose us as your Keystone Health Plan East drug rehab provider, you join a community that shares your goals and experiences. From our residential inpatient drug rehab program to our outpatient treatment services, our services are comprehensive and carefully designed to match your needs. We also provide unique programs like medication-assisted treatment, life skills training, and more to ensure that we help you tackle your challenges from all angles. There is no “right” way to recover overall, but there may be a “right” way for you. We’re here to help you discover what that is and what you can do to bring it to life.

What Rehab Services Does Keystone Health Plan East Cover?

Specific details about which services are covered (and to what extent) will vary depending on your individual Keystone Health Plan East policy. However, private insurance should generally cover rehab services that are deemed necessary – in other words, if you have a demonstrated need for addiction treatment, your insurance should pay for it. Just like any other health condition, a substance use disorder is unlikely to go away on its own and can respond well to the right care. Inpatient and outpatient drug rehab should be covered in most circumstances.

You can always contact the team here at Promont Wellness to learn more about which of our services may be eligible for Keystone Health Plan East addiction treatment coverage. Reaching out directly to your insurance provider is another good idea if you’re not sure what your options are.

What is Keystone Health Plan East’s Coverage for Dual-Diagnosis Treatment?

Many people who experience addiction also live with mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. Substance misuse is caused by a number of risk factors, but mental illness is a significant one. Mental health concerns may increase a person’s risk of misusing drugs and alcohol, and living with an addiction can, in turn, make them more likely to develop mental illness. This dynamic means that getting to the heart of either need often requires addressing the other. That’s why Promont Wellness delivers treatment for co-occurring disorders that considers the relationship between addiction and mental health. Your Keystone Health Plan East policy should grant you coverage for dual-diagnosis care, including medications, regular therapy, and more. Private insurance typically covers more services than other options, giving you additional opportunities to find the support you deserve.

Promont Wellness is a dual diagnosis treatment center in PhiladelphiaContact our admissions team today to learn more about our program.

Call Promont Wellness for Top Keystone Health Plan East Drug Rehab

We know that navigating addiction treatment can be scary. It can also be confusing – there’s a lot to learn, and everyone’s treatment journey looks different. Our goal is to take the hassle out of finding the care that will help you transform your life for the better. Keystone Health Plan East policyholders will likely find that our services are well within reach.

If you or a loved one are searching for Keystone Health Plan East drug rehab services that fit your needs and budget, Promont Wellness is here for you. Our team is happy to discuss insurance questions and concerns so that you can determine which options are right for you. Feel free to contact us on the web or call us at 866-939-4243 to get started or discover how our team can help you.