Overcoming the Mental Health Stigma For Men

A man struggling with mental health stigma for men sits at the edge of his bed and faces away from the camera toward a window.

In today’s world, talking about mental health still carries a lot of stigma, especially when it comes to men. This stigma makes it challenging for men to seek help and get the support they need, which can have far-reaching effects on their well-being. Men often feel pressured to be strong and independent, making it hard […]

Mental Health Support in the Workplace

In an office setting, a man shakes his supervisor's hand, showing appreciation for mental health support in the workplace.

In today’s demanding work settings, providing mental health assistance has become vital to ensuring employees’ well-being. The workplace influences an individual’s mental health, prompting organizations to increasingly acknowledge the significance of establishing supportive environments that prioritize mental wellness. Investing in health support benefits employees and employers by addressing stress and burnout while cultivating a positive […]

The Impact of Mindfulness on Mental Well-Being

We all have our fair share of stressors and challenges in today’s fast-paced world. Therefore, finding solace in our lives is increasingly essential for mental wellness.  Understanding the Impact of Mindfulness on Mental Well-Being Recent attention has been given to mindfulness, an age-old practice to improve mental health. Many believe this ancient practice improves mental […]

How to Support a Loved One with Depression

Dealing with depression is a challenging journey that can affect every aspect of a person’s life. When someone you care about is facing this health condition, it becomes crucial to support them. This guide aims to provide insights into understanding depression, developing empathy, effective communication, and practical ways to help your loved one. Remember, supporting […]

Effective Therapies for Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Effective Therapies for Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Effective Therapies for Managing Anxiety and Panic Attacks Anxiety is a common condition that affects many people. It can appear in various ways, such as excessive worry, fear, and panic attacks. Anxiety can be debilitating, hindering individuals from fulfilling and productive lives. Fortunately, anxiety therapy provides a range of practical techniques to help individuals overcome […]

How Does Social Media Affect Adolescent Mental Health?

How Does Social Media Affect Adolescent Mental Health?

According to a recent advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General, the influence of social media on adolescent mental health is a rising concern. This advisory critically explores the current evidence on social media’s positive and negative impacts on children and adolescents.  At Promont Wellness, we support individuals on their journey of recovery through holistic treatment […]

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

Understanding Histrionic Personality Disorder: Unraveling the Mystery of Excessive Emotionality and Attention-Seeking Behavior What is Histrionic Personality Disorder? Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition characterized by excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior. Individuals with HPD often have an overwhelming desire to be the center of attention and may engage in dramatic and exaggerated […]

What is the Difference Between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2?

What is the Difference Between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2?

Shedding Light on the Variations: Exploring the Key Differences between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2 Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging, but individuals can lead fulfilling lives with the proper support and understanding. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by dramatic mood swings, ranging from manic to depressive episodes.  At Promont Wellness, […]

What Are the Signs of PTSD?

What Are the Signs of PTSD?

Substance abuse problems can occur alongside various other serious mental health issues. Frequently, the issue in question is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This condition may precede drug or alcohol addiction. It may also follow in addiction’s wake. Whichever scenario applies to you, one thing is clear. To return to daily stability, you need PTSD treatment and addiction […]