Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center


If you or someone you love has experienced the dangers of drug use first-hand and are looking for addiction treatment in Pennsylvania, we can help.


Pennsylvania Addiction Treatment Center

In the U.S., more than 16 out of every 100 people over the age of 11 have a significant substance problem. The single most widespread problems are alcoholism and alcohol abuse. However, issues related to drug and medication consumption are also common. Pennsylvanians also face substantial exposure to substance abuse and addiction. As in other parts of the nation, there’s an ongoing need for treatment providers and treatment programs.

In the best Pennsylvania drug and alcohol rehab centers, treatment services are provided by experienced professionals using state-of-the-art methods. Together, this combination creates optimal conditions for effective care that meets your needs and situation.

Need a top-quality alcohol and drug rehab center in Pennsylvania? At Promont Wellness, we follow today’s best practices for the outpatient treatment of substance abuse and addiction. We also set the same high standard for the treatment of additional mental health issues affecting your health and recovery. Our client-focused approach helps remove the common barriers to accessible, effective rehab services.

Contact Promont Wellness today to learn more about our top-rated drug rehab in Southampton, PA.

Substance Use Disorder

If you need Pennsylvania drug rehab or alcohol rehab, you have a substance use disorder (SUD). This is the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA’s) designation for a mental health condition that includes:

  • An addiction to drugs, medications, or alcohol
  • Drug, medication, or alcohol abuse that significantly decreases your function without leaving you addicted
  • Addiction symptoms that you experience at the same time that you’re experiencing substance abuse symptoms

The APA sets the terms for diagnosing all mental health issues in the United States. As a rule, the country’s doctors and hospitals follow its guidelines when identifying these issues. 

Dual Diagnosis

Substance use disorders frequently appear before or after you develop some other kind of mental health issue. Whichever problem appears first, their overlapping symptoms are grounds for making a dual diagnosis. This diagnosis can include:

  • Any form of SUD
  • Any additional mental illness that doesn’t have drug or alcohol use as its main cause

Cases of dual diagnosis are commonly addressed in drug or alcohol rehab. That’s true because rehab programs have extensive experience treating SUD. You may not find this expertise in another kind of mental health facility. However, rehab facilities that address dual diagnosis have staff members who specialize in treating both SUDs and mental illness. 

Want to know more about the kinds of conditions addressed in substance rehab? Talk to the treatment professionals at Promont Wellness today.


Help for Dual Diagnosis

Like standard SUD treatment, dual diagnosis treatment will address your substance problems. But it also goes beyond a standard approach by supporting recovery from your second mental health condition. This use of combined treatment is essential to effective recovery. Without it, you may make little or no progress in either aspect of your recovery. 

Psychotherapy plays the same major role in other forms of mental health recovery as it does in SUD recovery. In fact, there are therapy options that help you recover from both problems at the same time. The use of medication is more common in dual diagnosis treatment plans than in plans for standalone SUDs. 

Dual diagnosis care is a specialty of Promont Wellness. Our expertise allows us to combine treatments for many different forms of SUD and mental illness. Get more details today.

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Substance Abuse Treatment Options in Pennsylvania

SUD treatment is the main purpose of the typical drug and alcohol rehab center. Rehab starts with a substance detox program if your SUD symptoms include drug or alcohol withdrawal. Withdrawal’s effects are classic indicators of an addiction to the substance in question.

Even if you don’t need detox, you need focused treatment services that support effective SUD recovery. Why do you or your loved one need active treatment? Anyone with substance use disorder has a history of misusing drugs or alcohol. They’ve also developed personal habits that favor continued intake of those addictive substances. These habits typically change how you:

  • Think
  • Experience your emotions and react to them
  • Act on a thought or feeling in everyday life

When you enter rehab, at least some of the patterns that favor drug or alcohol use are still intact. Despite your best intentions, they can lead you back toward future substance consumption. You may also feel powerful alcohol or drug cravings that underlie your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. 

To undo your old, established habits and patterns, you need help. Active treatment provides this help. Most often, you’ll receive something called behavioral psychotherapy. This therapy gets its name because it helps you do things such as:

  • Increase your drive to participate in the rehab process
  • Meet your recovery targets as you make progress in rehab 
  • Understand how your daily habits can drive you toward substance misuse or away from it
  • Recognize specific habits that reinforce your SUD symptoms
  • Break these habits and replace them with alternatives that support your desire to stay sober
  • Develop effective ways to lead your everyday life while minimizing your substance use risks

During alcohol and opioid treatment, you may receive extra help from medication. One of the biggest pluses of medication is an improved ability to control your substance cravings. You may also benefit in other ways. Therapy and medication can be included in the same plan in the form of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). 

At Promont, we primarily focus on the active treatment phase of your recovery. Your options at our alcohol and drug rehab center in Pennsylvania include both psychotherapy and MAT. Consult our Bucks County drug rehab today for more information.

Stories of hope

What clients say about us...

“I’d like to thank Courtney from the bottom of my heart. She helped me through the scary process of getting into treatment and then treated me with respect and compassion. The treatment process was scary, vulnerable and uncomfortable, but she did everything she could to make me feel as comfortable as possible. I have become an active member of the recovery community and could not have done it without the guidance and expertise Courtney provided throughout treatment.”

Mike S.

Aftercare Services at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Philly and Nearby Areas

Some rehab centers add aftercare services to their range of options. These services focus on supporting your sobriety once you complete primary treatment. They follow modern guidelines for maximizing the long-term benefits of the recovery process. Talk to us today to learn more about the aftercare options we offer at Promont Wellness.

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Turn to Promont Wellness as Your Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center in Pennsylvania

An alcohol and drug rehab center in Pennsylvania can help you regain your sobriety and maintain it. It can also support your recovery from various forms of dual diagnosis. Hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians have conditions that will benefit from one of these two treatment approaches.

If that’s true for you or your loved one, contact Promont Wellness today. We feature outpatient resources for mild, moderate, and moderate-to-severe SUD and mental health issues. We also feature comprehensive personalization options in each of our modern recovery programs. With our help, you can set your specific rehab goals and find realistic ways to fulfill them.