What Are the Signs of Alcoholism?

Year in and year out, the need for alcohol addiction treatment is a reality for millions of Americans. However, for various reasons, not everyone who needs professional recovery help will seek it out. Concerned that you or someone you know is addicted to alcohol? You can’t get a definitive answer for your suspicions without a doctor’s diagnosis. Still, you may be able to pick up on some potential signs of alcohol addiction. You may also be able to detect related signs of alcohol abuse.

What Are Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Abuse?

What does it mean to be addicted to alcohol? People affected by alcoholism undergo several key changes in their everyday functions. First, they develop a physical dependence on alcohol. This form of dependence leaves you unable to stop drinking without experiencing notably unpleasant physical symptoms.

Alcohol addiction is also marked by psychological dependence. When you don’t drink, this dependence leads to seriously unpleasant changes in your emotional state. In addition, people addicted to alcohol typically feel a compulsive need to obtain and drink more of it.

Alcohol abuse is a term with two meanings. In its first meaning, it refers to a pattern of excessive drinking that can cause you future problems. Experts also use the term alcohol misuse to describe such a pattern. In its second meaning, alcohol abuse refers to a non-addicted pattern of drinking that’s already causing you serious problems.

Possible Signs of Alcoholism

Alcoholism signs are visible indications that someone may be addicted to alcohol. Specific things noticeable in you or someone else include:

  • Not being able to set a limit on how often alcohol is consumed
  • Having similar problems controlling the amount of alcohol consumed
  • Devoting lots of time to buying alcohol, drinking, and/or recovering from drinking
  • Consuming more and more alcohol over time before being visibly affected by it
  • Prioritizing drinking over other kinds of once-favored recreation or leisure activities
  • Looking unwell or obviously sick when alcohol is not consumed
  • Ignoring or downplaying clear mental or physical consequences of drinking

You may observe just one or two of these things. However, they can all potentially occur at the same time.

Possible Signs of Alcohol Abuse

How can you tell if someone is drinking enough to increase their risk for future problems? Men engage in this form of alcohol abuse or misuse when they regularly:

  • Drink at least five servings of alcohol on a single day
  • Consume at least 15 total servings per week

Women increase their risks by regularly drinking at least four servings per day and/or eight servings per week.

What are the potential signs of current, damaging alcohol abuse? You or someone you know may drink in ways that cause significant problems at work, at home, or in school. You may also stick to a level of drinking that you know puts a serious strain on your most important relationships. In addition, you may repeatedly drink while driving, having unprotected sex, or doing other risky things. Be aware that signs of alcoholism and alcohol abuse can occur at the same time.

Learn More About the Signs of Alcohol Addiction at Promont Wellness

Want to know more about the signs of alcoholism? Talk to the addiction specialists at Promont Wellness. We can provide you with a complete picture of this disorder’s potential effects. We can also provide you with a similar detailed perspective on non-addicted alcohol abuse.

Do you or someone you know need effective alcohol treatment? Promont Wellness features a comprehensive program for addiction and abuse recovery. We strive to make state-of-the-art care both personal and accessible. For more information, just call us today at 866.545.9552 or complete our online contact form.


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