Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy programs can help clients recover from a substance use disorder, behavioral health issue, or co-occurring conditions, making it valuable in effective treatment plans.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Near Philadelphia

Therapy is standard in treating substance use disorders and mental health issues. Though some forms of therapy only treat one or the other, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) serves a dual purpose. Specialists frequently use DBT in addiction therapy programs and mental health treatment. Dialectical behavior therapy programs can help clients recover from a substance use disorder, behavioral health issue, or co-occurring conditions, making it valuable in effective treatment plans.

At Promont Wellness, we offer DBT among our many customized services. With our specialized support and compassionate care, you can start the journey toward successful recovery from addiction symptoms and mental health issues.

What is a dialectical-behavioral therapy program?

DBT programs belong to a school of treatment known as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). All forms of CBT help participants better understand themselves, including their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. Improved self-understanding may establish a solid foundation for effective addiction recovery and more stable mental health.

Promont Wellness provides DBT for addiction and mental health treatment. Our program approaches these goals from a unique perspective. During the opening phase, we ask participants to do two things:

  • Acknowledge and accept the reality of having a substance use disorder
  • Commit to making life changes that lower the risk of future addiction problems

During the first step, therapists encourage participants to develop a greater awareness of how their reality changes from moment to moment. Next, they show clients how to cope with states of mind that might be painful or distressing. This process can help people acknowledge and accept that they have a substance use disorder.

Commitment to change is the second phase of a DBT program. Learning to control emotions is a critical step toward transforming a person’s life in ways that reduce harm and risk. A dialectical behavior therapy program can also show clients how to communicate and interact honestly while maintaining a respectful attitude, which may improve relationships and overall emotional well-being during recovery.


How DBT Can Help Treat Mental Health Conditions

Initially, dialectical behavior therapy programs exclusively treated mental health issues. Designed specifically to help people affected by borderline personality disorder (BPD), DBT for mental health treatment has a much wider application today. Research shows that this therapy also supports recovery from:

In addition, DBT for mental health treatment can reduce self-harming behaviors and lower the risk of suicide.

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Using DBT To Treat Substance Abuse

DBT for addiction treatment has potential benefits for anyone affected by a substance use disorder. DBT programs may also help people who experience addiction symptoms in conjunction with a mental health condition.

When substance use and mental health issues occur together, they often exacerbate one another. For instance, if a person feels anxious, depressed, or suicidal, they may be more likely to misuse a substance. In turn, misusing a substance might further harm their mental health. DBT for addiction treatment can break this cycle, making it one of the most effective options for overcoming serious, overlapping recovery challenges.

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Using DBT To Treat Substance Abuse

If you think you might benefit from dialectical behavior therapy in Pennsylvania, contact the experts at Promont Wellness. Our team of specialists can help you learn more about dialectical behavior therapy in Pennsylvania. We may also provide insight into the therapy’s potential value in your recovery plan.

Promont Wellness features a state-of-the-art dialectical behavior therapy program customized for each participant. Our goal is to provide specialized, full-spectrum support to promote your recovery and overall wellness. To learn more, call us today at 866.545.9552. You can also fill out our brief online form.

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“I’d like to thank Courtney from the bottom of my heart. She helped me through the scary process of getting into treatment and then treated me with respect and compassion. The treatment process was scary, vulnerable and uncomfortable, but she did everything she could to make me feel as comfortable as possible. I have become an active member of the recovery community and could not have done it without the guidance and expertise Courtney provided throughout treatment.”

Mike S.